Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Surviving short, short holidays

Ever flew more than 4 hours to stay for just 48 hours, or 72 hours? That's what I call a touch 'n go holiday!

Forget business trips. I mean holidays.. the shortest holidays possible.. It's crazy, but well, we've been doing that for the past 5 years! When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade!

Fatty hubby's a workaholic. Period. I'm a holiday-holic. So where do the trains meet? Short, short holidays, of course (^^)

Let me just tell you it's all possible! But you need to know what you really want. Are you there to see everything, eat everything and do everything? bzzzz.. wrong buzzer! There's no EVERYTHING, darlings! You can have some of everything, but never everything in such a short time.. whether 48 hours or 72 hours!

However, it can be EVERYTHING you want to do.. post making choices, of course. Didn't I just say you can't have everything? (^^)

Anyways, the best thing you can do on short, short holidays is taking it FREE and EASY.. that's my best advice to you. A little planning required, so you get to see 1 or 2 sights, eat lots and have the time to soak in the colors, flavors and smells of your holiday destination. That's important, I think.

DON"T spoil your holiday by making yourself like a refugee.. It may be a touch 'n go holiday, it shouldn't be a hit and run one! So what if you didn't get to see all the sights, eat all the food? The good thing about short trips is that it can be a sampler or run-in to your future "real" holiday (^^). And you can always come back, right!

Another thing to remember, if you have only such a short time, just stay put in one city.. enjoy and soak in the city. One place at a time is best. Remember, you can always come back and do the other city another time. Every place should be appreciated on its own and given enough time.

I have gone on quite a few organized tours to know that free and easy short trips are best. While organized tours takes you to most sights, there's no time to soak in the sights and worst, you don't get to taste much of the local food or snacks, authentic ones, at least. It's really a hit and run thing. Doing it on your own, lets you do exactly what you want, see, stay or eat at any time you want!

sorry, couldn't resist ~ gorgeous lake tekapo - south nz self drive 4-day medium short trip
While I'm envious of people who can take long holidays, I'm grateful for my short holidays. Every trip has been memorable and special in its own way. And I'd do them again.. and again.. it's that fun. Just lose the "I want to do everything, eat everything, BUY everything" mentality before you embark on a short trip. Loosen up and enjoy whatever comes your way (^^)!

take the time to smell the roses

Thus far, our short holidays are all about food and soaking in the local sights and atmosphere. Sights are secondary. It's been fail-proof. And here's a must-do to get the best from your trip ~ visit a local market! Whether it's a wholesale, local or even night markets! You can always find interesting things (and more authentic food ^^) there.

My top short holiday destinations:
1. Osaka
2. Seoul
3. Kyoto
4. Bangkok
5. Hong Kong
6. Chiang Mai

* all the cities mentioned above are well connected by subways and buses. Don't be afraid to do it on your own. You can easily get around even if you don't know the language. If we 'bananas' can do it, so can you!

I really like Japan and hope that I'll make it to Tokyo next. The stopover in Tokyo in 1999 really left a good impression for the rest of Japan. While I've made it to osaka, kyoto and hokkaido (long holiday) over the years, I've never been there since. So that's where I really want to go one day (^^).. soon!

Carpe diem, short, short holidays!

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