Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer skies and all things nice!

It's chubby pig's 10th birthday today! (^^)

So I thought I'd bake him some vanilla dreams.. this time using unsalted butter cake and fluffy swiss meringue buttercream (call me cupcake's recipe)

I was going to use unsalted Lurpak (checked and planned the night before), but I don't know how I ended up with salted Emborg! Anyways, what's the big deal, right? Well, it's a BIG DEAL when the sugar is way off (approx. 30g less), AND one ends up with a SALTY plain cake!!! What a mess! 

And to make things worse.. I did not make a sweet enough frosting to counter the salty cake! I actually chose call me cupcake's strawberry buttercream recipe because it didn't call for so much sugar! I omitted the strawberries and replaced with 2 tsp vanilla extract. I did however use 225g sugar, which should have been perfect.. but sadly, was still not quite enough to balance a very salty cake! (^^||)

Well, it's no vanilla dreams.. but I thought, how about summer skies and all things nice!? Think summers by the beach.. salty air and ice-cream cones = salty cake and fluffy "not-so-sweet" frosting *wink* Might work, right? (^^) fingers crossed..

Anyways, I'm praying that the cake will taste better and sweeter.. soonest. It always does, doesn't it? (^^)

So happy birthday, chubby! Here's wishing you summer skies and all things nice! Love you!

p.s my baby brother, papa pig loves this! mama pig too! i have no idea why.. papa says it's the best cupcake/cake i've ever made (???) i think he's just trying to be sweet.. awwwww.. (^^)

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