Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Light lunch.. an embarassing situation.. and a little idea

You should know I haven't been cooking.. or baking much, lately ^^|| It's quite obvious ^^

Well, there's plenty of yummy food to choose from at the pasar ramadans.. and fatty hubby has been busy "buka puasa" (breaking fast) with his customers every other day (he eats more during ramadan than he does during chinese new year!!!).. so there's no point cooking for one! Besides, fatty hubby loves the food offered at the pasar ramadans as much as I do ^^ But mainly because I'm a lazy cook who avoids cooking whenever I can! ^^

Anyways, since I have some leftover rice courtesy of MIL, I decided to "cook" lunch.. fried rice with minced beef in japanese curry (from god knows when.. ok, I know when.. but you wouldn't want to know ^^||) and scrambled egg. Not the most balanced of meals.. no veg (forgot that I had frozen peas, etc).. but light enough, so I don't feel woozy after. An easy meal you don't even have to cook if you have a microwave to heat up the rice, curry and cook mix veg.. toss everything together.. and voila, you have a meal ready! (^^)

The other day, I read an interesting post in the little kitchen on her newly refurbished kitchen.. and I think it's amazing what small changes ie. replacing old kitchen appliances with new ones.. can do to make an old kitchen look sleek and brand new! But she had problems with organizing her open-space pantry.. and I could identify with her problem.. so I bravely left a comment. Today, since I wanted to share my thoughts on her pantry woes, I had a look at her post again. But I didn't see my comment.. so thinking that there may have been a tech-glitch, the comment didn't go through, blah blah.. I re-posted.. and THEN I SAW the earlier comment and also the same "new" comment! Aaargh.... so  embarassing! And there's no icon for "delete"!!! I wanted to die! Lesson learnt: Never re-post a comment again! Even if you were just trying to be helpful!!!

not perfect.. but definitely a little more organized ^^

Now back to organizing an open-space pantry. I want to share this little idea with you too ^^.. I find these kitchen racks really helpful, thanks to mama pig's tip. They are available at 100yen/RM5 a piece at Daiso.. otherwise, I suppose you could order them online at daiso japan. They have them in different sizes. You can stack them up further if your cabinet space is really high. I like that my open-space cabinets looks a bit neater and more organized now. (^^)

And if you lack drawers, or have more open shelves than you care for, like I do.. get plastic boxes in various sizes to organize your utensils and cutleries and what-ever-nots. I find the clear plastic shoe boxes a good deal for this purpose. Again I bought the plastic boxes cheap at daiso ^^. I like daiso.. I always end up poorer, yet happier (?!) after a visit! Shopaholics beware! (^^)

I hope you find the ideas helpful. Have a nice sun-shiny day! (^^)

p.s the blue flowers/patterned bowl/plate is also from daiso ^^ it's really pretty.. i noticed many bloggers have/like them too ^^ 

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