Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hello, 2013 ^^

Happy New Year! ^^ Hope it's another blessed year for all ^^

Well, we had a simple meal to usher in the new year last night.. seafood marinara pasta ^^

Fatty hubby's all time favorite pasta ^^. He never fails to order this dish whenever we visit our favorite japanese cafe, haikara ^^ (yummy mentaiko pasta is served there too ^^).

I've always figured it can't be that difficult to replicate.. And it isn't ^^. Not sure why it took me so long to ever make this at home ^^??! Especially since all one needs is just a bottle of ready-made tomato sauce ^^, some mussels and a pack of seafood mix! ^^

Cheat's seafood marinara pasta
Cooked pasta, of own preference
1 clove garlic, minced (optional)
1 yellow onion, sliced or diced (optional)
1 bottle of tomato based sauce (sorry ^^||, will cook from scratch with tomato puree next time) 
1 pack of mussels
1 pack of seafood mix
some squids (would've been nice ^^)
some water (if sauce is too thick ^^)
salt and pepper, to season (if necessary ^^)
some grated parmesan cheese, to serve
some chili flakes/powder, to serve

For an easy cheat's meal, throw everything (sauce, mussels and seafood mix) in and cook till it's cooked ^^! If adding garlic and onions, saute/browning them first would be nice. ^^

Fatty hubby really enjoyed this pasta ^^ so I'm happy ^^! Besides ^^, easy meals = happy cook! (^^)

p.s. was googling new year greetings, when this suddenly came on.. abba's happy new year.. which was released in 1980, of them looking forward to 1989/1990.. well, it's so way past that now ^^ and we still can't travel jetsons style.. so nostalgic and cute.. enjoy ^^


  1. Hello Hui
    Happy newnyear 2013 to you and to your family. Looking forward to your great post in 2013. I used to make pasta previously when my whole family is here... but now hardly, dont know why, probably my Dear not a fan to pasta but more to wantan noodles....hee...heee.... oh I am an ABBA fan ... when I am young I used to sing out loud of all their songs....hhee....

  2. abba songs are really easy on the ears ^^ and it's really fun to catch songs of yesteryears (i'm really not that old, btw.. i wish, haha!) once in a while ^^ like you, i used to croak to their songs when "very" young ^^

    i'm also not that into pasta like your dear, mel ^^ i live for rice.. which explains why i hardly ever cook pasta ^^

  3. Hi Hui! Happy New Year!

    Perfect pasta dish and song to start the year!

  4. Hui
    Happy New Year...

    ahhh.... ABBA. remembering my younger days, love ABBA. I could so relate to their songs.

  5. hi chef ^^ i agree.. pasta is the lazy person's version of a "perfect" meal, haha! seriously, your dinner party, that's perfect! your friends are so lucky! i am green with envy!!! ^^

    hi lisa ^^ isn't it fun to hear abba songs once more? ^^ brings back memories, eh? ^^ looking forward to more delicious posts from you this year ^^
