Friday, January 11, 2013

OMG, gougeres!

These gorgeous.. I mean gougeres are OMG good!!! ^^

Gougeres (recipe from my favorite guy, david lebovitz ^^)
makes about 30-55 bite sized  puffs

1/2 cup/ 125ml water
3 tbsps/ 40g butter
1/4 tsp salt
big pinch of chili powder ^^, or ground black pepper
1/2 cup/ 70g flour
2 eggs
3/4 cup/ 90g grated cheese (I used 100g cheddar and more ^^ for topping ^^) 
2 tbsps grated parmesan cheese (I added this too.. keep a bit more for topping ^^)
12 chives, finely minced (or thyme) (I used a tsp of dried parsley and a tsp of oregano) 

1. Preheat oven to 425F/220C and line baking tin. Make sure all ingredients are measured and ready beforehand ^^

2. Heat water, butter, salt and chili powder in a saucepan till butter is melted.

3. Dump flour into saucepan and stir vigorously till mixture pulls away from the sides into a smooth ball. Remove from heat and rest for 2 minutes.

4. Add eggs, one at a time, stirring quickly so that eggs doesn't get "cook"-ed. Batter may appear lumpy at first, but will become smooth after a bit.

5. Add 3/4 grated cheese (I added everything, 100g of cheddar ^^ and 2 tbsps parmesan) and chives (or thyme or parsley/oregano ^^), and stir into batter till well-combined.

6. Place batter into pastry bag using a wide plain tip, and pipe dough into mounds the size of cherry tomato (The cherry tomato in my head is much smaller than david's.. as I managed to make 55 puffs instead of 30 ^^). Otherwise use a small ice cream scoop or 2 spoons to shape. Top with some grated cheese and parmesan ^^

7. Bake at 425F/220C for 10 minutes, then reduce to 375F/190C for another 20 minutes, or till golden brown. For extra-crispy puffs, david recommends poking the side of each puff with a sharp knife to release steam, 5 mins before they are done.. and return them to the oven to finish baking. ^^

8. Serve immediately from the oven! Yums!

When I brought it up to share with piggies, baby pig asked what these were.. I answered him, "OMG good!" ^^ Seriously, these french cheese puffs are AWESOME FABULOUS!!! ^^ Just trust me on this! ^^

I can't thank you enough, david! ^^ WE SOOOO LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT! ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^

p.s. this is a super-duper easy and delicious recipe I-don't-know-why-I-didn't-make-sooner???!! and why-didn't-I-double-the-recipe-today???!! aaargh..

p.p.s. this is perhaps my last bake for a while.. till I get rid of thunder thighs from too much merrymaking the last few weeks! ^^|| i seriously need to go on diet!!! wish me luck.. ^^ did i hear a snicker? no, wait.. that was me ^^


  1. Because they're so cute, I feel I would be encouraged to eat 2 dozen. I won't blame you---I'll be too happy =)

  2. Oh yes, those are really gorgeous! And so inviting too, looking very mouth watering. I would love to try this too...but just recently really not up to do any baking yet.

  3. if not for my "diet" plan, i wouldn't have had to share these with piggies! i would have eaten all 55 puffs myself! ^^ seriously, these are so good, 2 dozen could be devoured in under 3 minutes, squishy angie! ^^

  4. oh, mel.. hope you recover from the blues soon.. i'm taking a (reluctant-)break from baking for a while, so that my tummy, butt and thighs can take a rest. but i still hope to feast with my eyes ^^ hope to see you back in action soonest! ^^

  5. I think I just drooled over the keyboard. Seriously, I wish these gougeres are real and I can reach them. I have to make it myself... Totally saving the recipe!

  6. i really hope you make david's gougeres soonest, nami! ^^ i totally regret not making these earlier.. but i'm also glad i found david's easy yummy recipe because of that ^^ these really are drool-worthy! and easy ^^!

  7. Ahhh, I sooo want to try making these~ They look so yummy! I have never had them before!

  8. you really really really should, lynna.. these are really really really omg good!!! big pig says i should have made these for his party! it was love at first bite for all of us! ^^

  9. Oh My... I dont think I dare to pronounce the word!!!
    I'd settle for gorgeous and indeed it looks like it :D

  10. lisa, this IS gorgeously scrumptious-licious! ^^

  11. this is another thing on my to-do list this year and thanks to your rave, i know whose recipe to attempt when I get down to making gougeres! :)

  12. hi janine, thanks for dropping by ^^ so far, the david lebovitz's recipes that we've tried are exceptional! hope you enjoy them too ^^
