Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Strawberry tart ^^

I'm not sure what has come over me, but I seem to be on a baking (not to mention cooking!) overdrive this month!

It's just 2 weeks into march, and I have already baked more than I usually do in two months! Let's see, I made a japanese cheesecake, a marmalade butter cake, vanilla cupcakes, chez panisse almond tart, french onion tart, strawberry cupcakes, danish butter cookies, pizza bread, strawberry daifuku and now, strawberry tarts! And I'm still craving..! I think I'm possessed (by greed and gluttony!)!!!

So I'm going to make a conscious effort to stop.. er, slow down. ^^

If you're in the mood for some yummy berry tartlets, head to pickyin's for her tarte framboises recipe. I halved the recipe and still ended up with 1 16cm-round tart, 2 small rectangular tarts, and 3 baby tartlets ~ and that's quite a lot! ^^


  1. Hello Hui
    Your strawberry tart looks so sweet; especially those mini ones! My sister loves to bake strawberry tarts very similar like yours (wish I could show you the picture of her tart) Oh, over baked this month? That's mean I won't be seeing your baked posts for the next few weeks? Im sure you can go ahead to bake ~ well you can always cut to half of the recipe/ingredients; just like this strawberry tart and just made enough of few mini ones, right? And you didn't over eat of the extra.

  2. the same usually happens to me, when I get inspired (or crave something), I will bake like a mad woman! Your tarts look awesome though!

  3. thanks for the confidence, mel! i do try my hardest to bake smaller portions and then pass most of it out ^^ though there have been times when i had the whole cake to myself ^^||

  4. thanks, janine ^^ i knew i was not alone! haha!

  5. Hi Hui... Just follow your heart! There's nothing wrong with that... :D

    Strawberry Tart... Strawberry Art!

  6. i think i've been doing just that, chef! till i realized my 2nd home could be the baking supplies store and breakfast is a choice between cheesecake, tarts and cakes! i'm trying real hard not to think what all this could do to my heart! haha!

  7. Awww so cute! I especially love those mini ones! I wish I can bake more often, so I'm just jealous that you've been baking a lot. :) I wish I'm your neighbor... ;)

  8. if you were my neighbour, i wouldn't be baking as much, nami! 'cos i'll always be by the window smelling the goodies coming over from your place! if not already parked at your dining table! haha!

  9. These tarts look amazing and adorable! :D

  10. Aww....they look adorable and delicious!
