Saturday, June 22, 2013

Zebra bundt cake

It feels great to wake up to cake.. and coffee! And it's finally the weekend too! ^^ ^^ ^^

This is a cake I've always wanted to make ever since I caught sight of it on bakersroyale. The reason I never got round to it was not having a bundt tin. For some strange reason, I only wanted to bake this cake in a bundt tin.. a nordicware to be exact (^^).. no other mould would do! ^^||

But I've come to my senses and finally settled for a silicone bundt mould. And made my first bundt cake last night ^^

Zebra bundt butter cake (inspired by bakersroyale, recipe adapted from my best butter cake recipe)
340g salted butter
140g sugar
6 egg yolks
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
320g self-raising flour, sifted
125-150ml milk
6 egg whites
140g sugar
25g cocoa powder, sifted

1. Preheat oven to 180C. Make sure bundt tin is well greased.

2. Beat butter and 140g sugar till light and fluffy. Don't over beat. Just till it turns a shade lighter/paler and the sugar is still slightly grainy. I beat mine around 3-4 minutes on high with my electric mixer.

3. Add egg YOLKs one at time and mix in well. On slow speedBatter should turn creamy and kinda stiff.

4. Mix in vanilla extract.

5. Quickly fold in self-raising flour in 2 batches.

6. Add in milk and combine gently. Batter should be soft now. 

7. In a clean bowl, beat egg WHITES till frothy and then add in the 140g sugar in batches/bit by bit. Beat till firm and soft peaks form. When you flip bowl over, the meringue doesn't fall over. ^^ 

8. Add egg whites mixture to butter batter in 2 batches. Fold in quickly but GENTLY. 

9. Remove between 1/3 to 1/2 cake mixture into another bowl and fold in sifted cocoa powder.

10. Using an ice cream scoop, place 2 scoops of plain batter in the bundt cake mould, flatten batter a little with the back of the scoop. Then place 1 scoop of chocolate batter on top of the plain batter. See bakersroyale step by step here. Continue doing this till batter finishes. Tap mould occasionally to even out batter. If there's extra plain batter, make mini bundt cakes ^^ 

11. Bake for 50 minutes. Leave to cool before removing from mould. ^^

I really like how easy it is to make a zebra cake. And it turned out quite pretty too ~ though not as pretty as bakersroyale's.. but good enough for amateur me ^^! Bliss ^^ 


  1. Hi Hui
    You have beautiful print there. I remember years back when I made zebra print end up like marble cake in the end....duh! Is your bundt pan and the small ones too using silicone pan or the metal type? Im quite hesitate to use silicone bundt pan though silicones types are cheaper than those metal ones.
    Wanted to bake butter cakes these few days but weather is cold here and I know I will have a hard time to beat the butter/sugar till creamy.

  2. thanks, mel ^^ i'm afraid i've succumbed to the dark side.. i bought silicone bundt (and mini bundt) moulds ^^||! am so regretting for hesitating on buying a nordicware bundt tin ('cos of xpnsive-price!) during my last trip to singapore ^^|| you should get one if it is cheap in nz ^^
    right now, you are the envy of everyone to be far away in cold nz.. the haze has overtaken spore & msia.. and i was complaining about the hot weather earlier! this is very much worse.. not only is it smoky outside, you can't even escape the hazy, smoky conditions by hiding inside the house! ^^|| praying for rain/wind and better conditions soonest.. ^^

  3. Hi hui
    You wouldnt believe me if I tell you that the nordicware bundt pans selling here is very expensive; and you only be able to find it in the branded shops. So i can console myself that even the amount I pay for in Malaysia is really worth it. I might have to buy few pans and bring it to my sister on my next visit back here again.

    But the cake stand selling here is cheap and comes in different sizes and patterns too.

  4. Dear mel, since you went to nz with a full bag, you must also come back with a full bag ^^ do hope you'll continue to find lots of good buys ^^ am so envious of you!
