Saturday, May 3, 2014

Longan milk jelly ~ perfect wobble, smooth yet firm ^^

Yay! Finally! After almost 2 months of water rationing, it feels GREAT to get our lives back to normal again! ^^

It has been so hard to bake or cook during the past 2 months, with only a ONE-day window of opportunity of water supply, in between 3 days of no-water. Lucky (or unluckily, depending on how you see it) for us, our apartment tank water lasted almost 2 days. So we had no water only for a day. Of course, I've heard of some apartments' tank water lasting throughout the water-blackout, oh, lucky them! If only our apartment residents were more prudent and conscientious, it would have lasted longer I suppose!

You have no idea how much I wished everyone did all their chores, cooking and laundry on that ONE-day, and saved water for only the ALL-IMPORTANT bathing and toilet use for the rest of the "no-water" days. That would have made things so much better! If only everyone thought the same.. am I too extreme? Nawhhhhh... ^^

Longan milk jelly (adapted from mybaking)
~ makes a lot! ^^
3 tsp agar-agar powder
130-140g sugar
2 litres of water (1 can of longan syrup and top up with water)
10 pandan leaves (optional ~ I didn't ^^)
1 can of evaporated milk (400g)
1-2 cans of longan

1. Bring agar-agar powder, sugar and longan syrup+water to a boil.

2. Once boiled, add evaporated milk and again bring it to a boil. Remove from heat and leave to cool for about 8-10 minutes.

3. Strain/sieve mixture before use. Place a piece of longan into each mould and fill with mixture.

4. Chill thoroughly or at least 3-4 hours before serving. Serve immediately.

If you're looking for the perfect wobble, smoothest soft yet firm-enough jelly pudding ever, look no further!!! Mybaking has really nailed the perfect recipe! ^^ Though I'm not too certain about the high amount of sugar in her recipe ^^|| I reduced to more than half because of the addition of longan syrup, and it was more than sweet for us. Even without the longan syrup, I think halving the sugars (from 300g to 150g) is not a problem, unless you have a super-sweet tooth! ^^

Happy days ahead! ^^ ^^ ^^ ~~~~~~

I'm submitting this post to Little Thumbs up (May 2014: Milk) organised by Bake For Happy Kids, and My Little Favourite DIY, hosted by Tze of Awayofmind Bakery House 


  1. I guess life has turned upside down with the water rationing going on for the past two months. So I hope I could see you do more baking and posting to your blog soon. Your last pic is beautiful with that jellies. It is really a hot hot day here and wish I could some of your jelly. The past few days I was thinking of making the Coconut Agar Agar too.

  2. I can imagine the hot hot days you're having.. at least there's some rain over here almost every day. Well, jellies are easy and quite perfect to cool down ^^ so make your beautiful coconut jellies soon.. your gorgeous rose bundt moulds sure need a workout! ^^

  3. Hi Hui,
    How are you?
    Jellies looks good :D

    Glad to read that the water woes are over :)
    I can imagine how difficult it must have been, took me back to the year when we hosted Commonwealth Games (cant remember the year :O ), water rationing for few months, water tanker came to distribute yucky murky grossed out looking water. But beggars can't be choosers. Then had to haul them up all the way to fill up my bath tub.

  4. Hi Hui, just discovered your blog, you have lovely and yummy longan milk jelly here!

    This month Little Thumbs Up is having theme: Milk! If you like to join, please go to

  5. so good to hear from you, lisa ^^ am so grateful to have water on a daily basis! hopefully all this rationing is behind us for good ^^ fingers crossed

  6. hi tze, thanks for dropping by ^^ i'd like to join your event.. linking up soon ^-^
