Saturday, March 24, 2012

I love, love butter cake!

I've been finding every excuse to bake butter cake.. again!

I really love the wonderful aroma and soft perfect texture of butter cake made using my favorite best moist butter cake ever recipe. All this is possible thanks to the many bloggers (and cookbook writers) who are generous enough to share wonderful recipes of their best butter cake recipe. Thank you for the many many happy bakes since (^^)!

my very 'sun-tanned' cake, despite the shorter baking time

I'm officially a butter cake convert! I think about eating and baking it all the time. I even feel like making one.. or two, every week! There have been times when I feel like baking it every other day!  (^^||) I have not given in to this temptation yet, for fear of over-dosing my piggies. But I do try to find every excuse to bake it (^^)!

And what better excuse than baby pig having friends over for a sleepover tonight. I've to bake them something, right? No? Anyways, I insist! (^^) They will need lots of energy to play.. they need sustenance.. they need my delicious vanilla dreams! That's butter cake disguised as a cupcake with frosting (^^).. only for kids.. or maybe an adult, or two... or more (^^)

vanilla dreams like no other

Well, I've finally managed to frost cupcakes today.. after watching a few how-to tutorials online. Look at my cupcakes! Not too bad eh? (^^) But today's an extremely hot day, and the frosting actually started to melt as I was frosting the 6th cupcake. This has never happened before, not even when I was slapping on frosting for 12 cupcakes. Even the cakes took 10 minutes less time to bake. Yes, it's that hot, today! Guess that's why my cakes look 'sun-tanned'and quirky-shaped too. No problem with the texture though.. absolutely soft and melt in the mouth.  

Anyways, I'm happy and very satisfied with my bake. Wonder if there's an excuse to bake butter cake again tomorrow.. hmm.. (^^)

I love butter cake with coffee in the morning. Me thinks this is the good life (^^)

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