Saturday, October 6, 2012

Big loves mentaiko pasta!

This is my 2nd surprise for big pig's 3-day food treat ^^.. mentaiko pasta.

Big loves anything mentaiko.. you can be sure he'll order mentaiko pasta (or mentaiko-anything!) if he sees them on the menu. He's adventurous like that ^^. We're not, even though we agree that mentaiko pasta is very, very yummy ^^.

So when nami of justonecookbook shared her mentaiko pasta recently, I knew I HAD to make it for big!!! Especially when she made it look so do-able ^^! Never mind that I was already set on making pasta with anchovy sauce! And so I decided to make BOTH ^^!.. and THAT's how the 3-day food treat came about ^^.

Anyway, even though I can tell mentaiko pasta consists of very few ingredients, it has never crossed my mind that I could make them at home.. all I associate mentaiko with ~ is that it's yummy, special, gourmet.. but mainly, it's pricey ^^||!

Well, it's not that pricey, nor elusive, after all ^^ In fact, it's affordable and easy to find at my favorite supermarket, isetan ^^.

Anyway, I love the briny mentaiko concoction! It's creamy and rich, but not as filling as a carbonara sauce.. yet it's also a wee-bit tangy (japanese mayo!) which makes it refreshing too (??!).. But best of all, this is another super easy, yummy, dreamy, delicious and SPECIAL (^^) pasta even kitchen lazy-ies (like me!) can make ^^. So head over to nami's blog for the recipe, step-by-step guide and beautiful pictures! (^^)

Big LOVES this as much as he loves the lighter anchovy sauce pasta! All of us enjoyed this too. I'm happy ^^

p.s. this is the first time I bought and cooked squids.. can't say i enjoyed handling them.. then again, i don't like handling raw - anything, except sashimi ^^ i think i can do it again.. maybe.. (^^)

p.p.s. i  doubled the recipe ^^ this pasta is best served with a generous sprinkling of chili flakes/powder to counter the creamy rich sauce. (^^)


  1. I love this recipe on Nami`s blog too! & this also look wonderful! Now, I am VERY tempted to try mentaiko!

  2. you should, lynna.. it's briny but not fishy.. especially after drowning it in japanese mayo, cream and soy sauce ^^ mentaiko's equally delicious slathered and toasted on baguette too ^^ yums!

  3. So happy you made this! It is so easy to make that it's perfect weeknight meal! And you are right, even in Japan it's quite expensive while you can make it at much cheaper price at home. I think Mentaiko is easier to find in Asian countries while most people have difficult time to find this main ingredient. I have one package in freezer and going to make it this week when I'm busy! :) Thanks for linking back to me!

  4. no, i should be the one thanking you, nami! otherwise i'd never think or be able to make this special pasta! i'm a slightly "credible" cook in my piggies eyes now.. all thanks to you and your super-easy and do-able, yet special recipes ^^ i'm happiest! (^^)
