Monday, December 24, 2012

for the love of fruit cake ^^

This has been the most excruciating long and painful bake ever..

I didn't think I'd ever attempt mel's 4-hour long steamed fruit cake.. but she made it sound so so delicious ^^, that I finally succumbed! ^^

However, let it be on record for those who dare to tread this path to fruit cake heaven ^^.. the road is a long and arduous one! And NOT for the butter-fingers and careless (like moi)!!! 'Cos if the burning hot caramel doesn't get you, the thick scorching steam might! I have plenty of burnt marks on my hands and fingers to prove it! ^^||

But if you dare the perilous quest (do head on to mel's@melspantrykitchen ^^), I assure you, victory is very, very sweet! ^^

p.s. the leftover kumquat puree (about 2 tbsp) sure came in handy as replacement for orange essence ^^ but reducing the sugar (40g less from 80g) may have cost me a more moist cake, i believe.. however, this is still a very special (very addictive! ^^) and delicious cake ^^! we love it! thanks a million for sharing, mel.. and faeez too! ^^

p.p.s. this steamed fruit cake definitely tastes lighter than any baked fruit cake I've had.. you can have many slices and still not feel satiated ^^ papa pig says it's nicely soft and moist ^^ hmmm.. that says it all, don't you think! ^^


  1. Ho..ho..ho...Merry Christmas Hui!! Yo...and was I glad to see your post now (11.33pm on christmas eve) and you are indeed making me drooling on this fruit cake again. I just had my last piece this afternoon. And I told my dad I'm going to bake the brandy fruit cake next time. That day I keep the other half also using plastic wrap one layer and another with foil and keep it in the fridge. Oh I have burnt mark on my finger too from the hot caramel. And you are so brilliant to use the kumquat puree as the replacement for orange essence. Bravo Hui. I am more than pleased that we have the same taste buds....have an enjoyable christmas and happy holiday Hui!!

  2. you are right, our tastes are really quite alike ^^ i love and want to eat all the yummy food and bakes you shared ^^ but i don't want to cook/bake any of the difficult ones.. that's why i wished you lived next door! haha!

    now you tell me you have burns from the hot caramel.. if i had known earlier, i would have had 2nd thoughts.. ok, maybe not, since i'm a sucker for yummy cakes ^^!

    well, enjoy the hols and merry christmas, mel! ^^

  3. Hi Hui! Dropping by to wish you and your family a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a fruitful 2013 year ahead!

  4. Wow!! 4 hours!? I don't know if I would last! But it looks worth it, yum!

  5. hi alvin, i assume you're back ^^ thanks for dropping by. hope you and your family had a great time down under ^^ and a wonderful christmas! looking forward to more beautiful posts from you in 2013, if not earlier ^^ cheers!

  6. i know 4 hours is totally crazy! i didn't think i could do it either ^^||, cathleen.. but i so badly wanted to taste this fruit cake, that greed over-ruled everything! i'd probably never make this again (never say never ^^!), but it was worth the wait and pain for a taste of this ^^!

  7. Looks delicious and that the time and effort were worth it!

  8. thanks for dropping by elizabeth ^^ this steamed fruit cake is yummy and unique ^^ we enjoyed it very much! ^^

  9. Oh no, burnt marks too? I hope they heal. And wow...this fruit cake MUST be delicious if it takes 4 hours to make!

  10. it's probably just me, lynna.. i guess i'm more careless than most people ^^ shows how often i cook, haha! this fruit cake IS delicious ^^ and my steam burns are healing nicely, thanks! happy new year! ^^
