Sunday, February 10, 2013

Parmesan, cheddar and caramelized shallot crackers

When I saw Parmesan and Caramelized Shallot Crackers at authenticsuburbangourmet, I knew I had to give them a go! It has big pig's name all over it! ^^

So I decided this was going to be his valentine, baked in advance.. I can come up with all sorts of excuses just to bake.. and feed my piggies ^^.

And these crackers really taste as divine as they sound! They smell incredible too! Think quiche in the oven! It's an amazing treat ^^!

They taste and smell so good and robust that you'll think there's ham (yes, you read right.. ham! ^^) in the crackers. ^^ There's none!

Parmesan, cheddar and caramelized shallot crackers (recipe found on authenticsuburbangourmet and lemonsandanchovies)

2 shallots / medium red onions, sliced thin
Olive oil
8 tbsp / 115g butter, room temperature
4.5 oz parmesan cheese, grated (I used 2.5 oz parmesan + 2 oz cheddar ^^)
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/4 cup flour
1-2 tsp water

1. Saute shallots in olive oil (medium heat) for about 10 minutes, or till shallots are soft, caramelized and golden brown.

2. Add butter, cheese/s, flour and salt in a processor or mixer, and pulse/mix till combined. Add water till the dough comes together. Roll dough into a log with a diameter of 2 inches. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill for at least 30 minutes.

3. Slice log into 3/8 inch or 1 cm rounds. Bake in a preheated oven of 350F/175C for 18-22 minutes or till lightly browned.

These are so easy and delicious, you just have to try them yourselves ^^. Big and baby just couldn't stop munching on them! Big loves these and thinks they'll be great for the next get-together ^^. Baby though, says gougeres are still his preferred savory snack ^^.

They were more excited about these crackers than my 8 1/2-hour pineapple tarts! ^^||


  1. Hello Hui
    Good day to you! Oh wow, you still have time for another round of baking yummy food. A look of these already proven this is indeed looking extremely delicious and yummy. I could smell it here, you know. Anything that is out from your oven, I am sure your family members loves to indulge and give good comments on it.

  2. Happy new year, mel! It's the holidays, so plenty of time to bake! ^^ am lucky don't need to prep for cny ^^ just need to eat only! Hope you're having a good time too ^^

  3. These look very savory and yummy to snack on! :D

  4. I love the mild sweetness that the shallots impart here...GREAT idea!!
