Friday, March 8, 2013

Easy butter garlic rice

Once upon a time, a girl thought it best she consumed basmati rice instead of her usual fragrant rice, as it has far less carbohydrate content as opposed to the usual white rice. She loves rice, by the way.

After many attempts at eating basmati rice, she gave up as she did not like the queer flavor, dry and non-starchy taste of basmati. And so the basmati rice stayed in the fridge since.. The end.

And it would have stayed that way for way longer, if not for mel's recommendation that I try her butter (she knows how much I love butter! ^^) garlic rice ^^.

Butter garlic rice (recipe shared by mel@melspantrykitchen)
~ serves 2
1 cup basmati rice
2 cups water
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 tsp of butter
1 tsp of grated carrot (I had no carrots, so I omitted this ^^)
1/2 tsp sea salt
a small pinch of turmeric powder

1. Wash the rice. Drain well.

2. Put everything together and cook in a pot/rice cooker. Soak rice for a bit if you have the time.

3. Fluff up rice before serving.

I've never thought of cooking anything but plain rice in my rice cooker. But this is so easy to jazz up plain ol' rice.. and perfect for getting rid of my basmati rice too! ^^

Anyway, I can't believe basmati rice with butter and garlic can taste SOOOO GOOOOOOD! It's miles tastier than any briyani rice!

The butter and garlic flavor is wonderful! I swear, this flavored rice tastes almost like hainanese chicken rice ^^! And it's not greasy at all! Perfect with the very flavorful san bei ji (leftovers tastes even better! ^^)! Like mel said, this garlic butter rice goes very well with any flavorful dish like curries or stews ^^.

Thanks so, so much, mel ^^!

p.s. after learning this rice dish, i'll always keep some basmati rice at home! this recipe is a keeper!!! ^^ 


  1. Hello, is late night now 10.42pm and one last round browsing at my tablet suddenly the words garlic butter rice caught my eyes..... oh feel like having garlic rice now for supper.... heheheehe.... you like it? I eat butter rice from very young age which my mum used to make for all of us. Her version is different. (The hot cooked rice just mix with some butter and some pinch of salt...that is.) Even all my nieces loves my mum's butter rice so much. I have another butter recipe for you...I let you know next round...

  2. Hi little girl! Is there a book2 of your story? :P

  3. hi mel! you can't leave me hanging in suspense! pls pls tell me the recipe soonest! ^^

    hi chef! the little girl grew up and became a pudgy foodie/cook/baker/wife and ate happily ever after.. the end! haha!

  4. Hi Hui
    Ready for another butter dish recipe? Here goes...though I dont have the exact recipe measurement for you but I'm sure you may able to cook this simple dish. "Steamed Butter Fish". Have one or two cut slice fish (snapper or as long it is slice cut ok). Rub /sprinkle with salt and pepper. Put some amount of butter on top of the fish (i usually put alot hehehe but not just be careful not too much else you be getting irk of it! ). Put some water in but not that much. Well i usually cook this dish, add a bit salty. Steamed for 10 minutes. Serve hot with rice.

    This is my mum's recipe. I have this since I am a little girl. My nieces all of them really love this and they can just drink the butter sauce and left the fish untouched at all. The butter sauce goes very well with white rice and really yummy.

  5. thanks a lot for the recipe, mel ^^ i'm sure it's delicious already! have you posted this dish in your blog? good things, and especially easy dishes must be shared! ^^ i will look forward to your post on this ^^

  6. Oh no!!! Sad ending for the rice...well at least for a while ;P
    Basmati has a 'funny' after taste to it, try soaking it with salt for 20 mins, may reduce that funny taste a tad lesser.
    If you hv some left, try garlic n oliveoil rice. Saute garlic in olive oil until golden in colour, then add to rice n cook in rice cooker.

  7. No...didnt post this to my blog. Just sharing it with you. I dont think alot of people appreciate this type of steamed butter dish.

  8. hi lisa ^^ this recipe works great in "covering up" the queer taste of basmati rice.. i'm a convert now! and i will definitely try out your recipe of garlic and olive oil rice soonest with the last of my basmati rice! thanks for the tips ^^

  9. dear mel, i think most people (new/learning/part-time cooks like me ^^) appreciate any dishes you share! no matter how easy or difficult or interesting it is! besides it's your blog and you can share whatever you want/feel ^^ and i believe all delicious dishes should be shared, more so if it's super easy! ^^

    btw, i made it a point to look out for snapper at the supermarket today to make your recipe! to tell the truth, i hardly cook fish.. only salmon ('cos they're available frozen at the organic shop :p).. and i had to google snapper in malay. so i learned something new too today! ^^ thanks!

  10. Garlic rice is as good as Garlic bread. We love garlic... I usually make garlic butter parsley rice (I just make that up) and kids love it. This looks delicious!

  11. that garlic butter parsley rice sounds good too ^^ now you have me thinking whether it's dried or fresh parsley.. do hope you'll share this recipe one day on your blog ^^

  12. I love garlic! I JUST made rice too! If only I had saw this post earlier, I would have definitely tried this out!

  13. next time then, lynna ^^ hopefully soon.. this rice is really nice!
