Saturday, September 28, 2013

A little late.. but that's just the way it is^^

I've always been a late bloomer, a slow starter, a non-traditionalist.

Yes, these are mooncakes. Yes, it's pretty late.. way past the festival, I know. I wasn't convinced to make any, not till I saw the cute piggy mooncakes all over the blogsphere. However piggies are really beyond me after looking at the how-to.. I can't even make anything out of play-dough!

But I'm reminded of how much I used to love traditional piggy mooncakes that come in plastic baskets.. and I had a re-look into traditional mooncake recipes. And they seem really easy (?) ~ was it possible?

My interest was piqued, but I was convinced to make it next year. However, walking into a baking supplies shop this week that had all the ingredients and moulds still out .. I just couldn't resist ^^. And I had some anko I wanted to get rid of too. ^^

So I made mooncakes with lots of dough and minimal filling ~ my kind of mooncake ^^ using mel's traditional mooncake recipe, which she adapted from here and here . ^^

Anyways, I couldn't wait, so I broke one and tasted.. I know I'm supposed to wait for 2-3 days.. but no problem, it tastes pretty good! However, the anko filling is really way too sweet despite my using that tiny bit of it ^^|| Wish I had omitted the sweet sweet anko!

I can't wait to taste the finished product after 3 days! I just know the skin's going to be good ~ just the way I like it ^^


  1. I'm sure your mooncakes will taste great, they look amazing!

  2. I'm late too....late coming in visiting your post. Well, all I can say is, it is never too late if you are craving for some good food. As mooncakes keep rising in price every year, I totally have stopped buying from the shops but all those food bloggers keep posting their beautiful mooncakes that resulted me too have to join in the fun. And at last, I never knew I made it too, and it taste good too. Nowadays those store bought red bean filling, the sweetness is just the right sweetness I want. Next year I might want to do snow skin type. You like snow skin type?

    1. Who would've thought making mooncakes could be so easy! Why buy when it's so easy to make and have lots of fun at the same time ^^. Like you, I haven't bought any for years. The prices are so unjustified! I don't care if it's a once a year event - I refuse to support unscrupulous merchants!
      I will look forward to your snow skin mooncakes next year.. though i'm not a fan of it ^^

  3. Oh...oh....I never knew you wanted to make mooncakes eventhough festival is over and since you like the skin than having with sweet filling inside, I should have let you know to follow Sonia's recipe (dont know you have come across her last mooncake post). Here goes the link ;

    1. Mel, I used to pinch and peel the skin off leaving the filling behind when I was young. Only my aunts who love me very much would tolerate this, haha! And they'd buy me lots of piggies ^^
      I did see d plain 'koong chai peang' by sonia, but I wanted really soft and moist 'biscuit', like what you get from mooncake skin. I stopped eating 'piggies' as they don't taste as nice as those days. I wasn't sure if sonia's recipe as soft and moist as I like it to be ^^ so I'd rather use mooncake skin recipe.

  4. I LOVE mooncakes and yours look so pretty!

    1. Aww.. thanks, lynna. They were really soft n yummy! ^^
