Sunday, October 27, 2013

Decadently luscious superlicious cinnamon rolls!!! ^^

Decadent. Luscious. Superlicious. NO-KNEAD! Yes, what are you waiting for???!!! ^^

Run straight into the kitchen or the baking supplies store, people!!! These are so so so so so soooooooo gooooooood! Of course, that's after reducing ALL the sugars by HALF! These cinnamon rolls by ree@thepioneerwoman are soooooooo delicious!!! Thanks so much, janine@unpastiche, for the recommendation! They are amazing!!! ^^

Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon Rolls (recipe from thepioneerwoman)
~ makes 27 rolls in 3 7-inch square trays
2 cups / 500 ml milk
1/2 cup / 125 ml vegetable oil
* 1/4 scant cup sugar
1 packet active dry yeast / 2 1/4 tsp instant yeast
4 cups all purpose flour (bread + all purpose is good ^^)
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 scant tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt

1 cup (227g) melted butter
2 tbsp cinnamon powder
* 1/4 cup sugar (brown+white ^^)

1. Bring milk, oil and sugar to just short of a boil. Remove from heat and leave to cool for 45 minutes - 1 hour.

2. Add active dry yeast to lukewarm milk mixture and leave it to sit and bubble. Omit this step if using instant yeast.

3. If using instant yeast, blend in with the 4 cups of flour. Add flour into the milk mixture and mix till well combined. Cover and leave to double in size for about 1 hour.

4. Mix the extra 1/2 cup flour with baking powder and baking soda till well blended. Add the flours into the dough till well combined.

5. Refrigerate dough for later use or use immediately. Refrigerating overnight would be a good choice ^^

6. Generously flour working surface, and roll out dough thinly into a rectangle. Tip: Wrap rolling pin with plastic cling wrap.. you'll see! ^^

7. Spread melted butter all over dough. Sprinkle cinnamon powder and sugar all over evenly.

8. Roll dough from the long end towards you. Roll tightly and pinch the seams to seal.

9. Slice rolls into 3/4 or 1 inch thick and place them in greased baking tins. Leave to rise for 20-30 minutes.

10. Bake in preheated oven of 400F/200C till light golden brown for 15-20 minutes.

11. Remove and drizzle generously with sauce/topping of your choice! ^^

Easy caramel sauce (recipe from leitesculinaria)
~ make 1 1/2 cups
* 1/2 scant cup brown sugar
1 stick / 115g butter
1/4 cup heavy/whipping cream
1/4 cup honey
** add 2-3 pinches of sea salt ~ you won't regret this!

Bring all ingredients to a boil. Lower heat  and continue to stir and cook for 2 minutes. Drizzle over anything you fancy! ^^

I've sort of gotten the feel for rolling the dough after that one practise on italian cheese and herb pinwheels ^^ And these cinnamon rolls definitely benefitted from that maiden attempt, haha! ^^ 

Well, I must confess that I was a wee sceptical about the no-knead part, but these rolls turned out amazingly soft and fluffy inside. And the crust is nicely crisp and browned. So you can imagine how good it tastes with ooey-gooey sticky caramel sauce! ^^

Oh yes, because I reduce the sugars by half in the dough and filling, the rolls were just nicely sweet, not tooth achingly-sweet. As such it's totally perfect with caramel sauce or any frosting for that matter! ^^

I believe, like ree, I must be the most popular aunt and neighbour today! ^^


  1. Hi Hui
    And now who is making me drooling with this luscious looking cinnamon rolls; especially I love that sauce on top of it. One bite with that sauce in the mouth, I think .... I am speechless and wordless to express even I am just looking at it and not even tasting it myself. OK...I will bake this at my soonest. I think this recipe of no knead recipe suit for other type of bread/roll or buns too. Did you use the same caramel sauce as in pioneer woman or different recipe? The pioneer's one has more ingredients in it if I am not wrong, right? Like I said before, wish I am just next door to you to get a piece from you now. Your neighbour must have smell this cinnamon aroma when the rolls in the midst of baking.

  2. Hi mel.. you have no idea how much i would love to be neighbours with you! I'd be happy if we stay in the same city! ^^
    This is such a huge recipe there's enough to share! I made some for one of my neighbours too ^^ they hv 2 boys ^^ i do occasionally share my goodies with my neighbours.. but I do sometimes wonder whether they like it or not.. we don't talk much except to say hi.. guess that's apartment living for you. ^^

  3. So so sedap looking cinnamon rolls :)

    1. Memang sedap, lisa ^^ stamps of approval from all who had it ^^

  4. Ok Ok... I'm convinced by you - "These are so so so so so soooooooo gooooooood"! LOL!

  5. Ree of thepioneerwoman has the meanest, easiest, yummiest cinnamon rolls recipe ever! ^^ eee haw!

  6. Wow, I need to conquer this recipe! I`ve had this recipe saved for years and have yet to try it. I`m afraid I`ll eat all of them myself!

    1. Haha, I believe you, lynna! The cinnamon rolls are irresistible! You really need to make this recipe pronto! It's really an anthill.. not the mountain to conquer in your head! Trust me, I know ^^ hey, if my 17 year old nephew who bakes nothing but choc chip cookies can get it perfect the 1st time, you just know this is a super easy peasy recipe! ^^
