Saturday, February 22, 2014

Almost the end of february and bacon bak kwa.. finally ^^

I've said it many times, I'm a non-traditionalist, ok, I'm a laggard.

CNY is so over ^^||, but it's only now I found the time (it's been an extremely busy cny this year going without aunt's maid, as well as an uncle's passing all in one week) and groove to make the promised bak kwa.. not just any bak kwa, mind you.. bacon bak kwa. ^^

Anyway, I'm really behind in the bak kwa world, having sworn off buying bak kwa for many years now. This year I finally stepped into one, because of a good friend who loves this certain brand of bak kwa, and I knew he would appreciate my getting it for him. And lo and behold.. bacon bak kwa.. am I slow or what?! haha ^^

Bacon bak kwa @ jerky (adapted from melspantrykitchen and nasilemaklover)
~ serves 5, and 1 small eater, maybe ^^
600g bacon slices, cut into half
100g sugar
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1/2 tbsp chinese rice wine
1/2 tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp dark caramel sauce
a dash of pepper
2 tbsp honey
no salt please! bacon is salty enough!

1. Mix all ingredients except bacon slices in a bowl. Then add bacon slices and coat well with marinade. Leave to marinate in the fridge for a few hours.

2. Place the bacon slices onto a baking tray (no need to grease or line with grease paper).

3. Bake in a pre-heated oven of 160C for 15-20 minutes. Remove and wipe off grease on baking tray if you wish.

4. Increase oven temperature to 200C, turn to grill function. Place bacon slices back in the oven and grill for about 7 minutes, then flip over and grill for 4 minutes. Do watch out so that meat doesn't over burn.

Whoa, them jerkies sure look awful! But, ooooohhhhhh... they are sooooooo-yums!!! Then again, how can bacon taste anything but yums! ^^

Anyway, as good as these jerkies are, I'm unlikely to make them again. Bacon is as bacon good, it doesn't need anything to make it better ^^! Now, the traditional bak kwa.. they are so worth making from scratch! ^^


  1. Hi Hui
    Great idea of using bacon for a change as bak kwa. Wouldnt it be too salty? Nevertheless I bet it must taste awesome.
    Im sorry to hear of your uncle's passing.

  2. The bacon bak kwa was rather salty for me despite using anxin's low sodium, no msg bacon.. but I'm quite sure it isn't a problem for most people ^^ anyways, my piggies and hubby still enjoyed it very much ^^
