Friday, April 13, 2012

Ultimate sinful moist chocolate brownie!

I've never liked brownies.. not till I had the most FABULOUSLY MOIST warm cherry chocolate fudge brownie at fergburger bakery in queenstown, new zealand last november!

All the brownies that I've tried before have been dry and tastes like saw-dust in my throat (><||).. And they usually mask this problem by serving it with ice-cream! So I've never bothered with brownies!

Anyways, since my trip to nz, I've been on a fervent pursuit for the best moist brownie like the warm cherry chocolate fudge brownie I had there. And I believe I have found a really spectacular brownie recipe! This easy recipe is aptly named the ULTIMATE chocolate brownie. It really is that outstanding! Even big pig who's 15, made this sucessfully on his own! (^^)

Ultimate chocolate brownie.. with raspberries (recipe from vivian nzfavouriterecipe)

320g butter, melted
1 1/4 cups cocoa powder
7 eggs
3 cups sugar ( I used 2 cups, anything more than 2 1/4 cups would be excruciatingly sweet!)
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 1/2 - 2 cups chocolate chips
1 1/4 cups plain flour, sifted
1 tsp baking powder, sifted
Frozen/fresh raspberries (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 160C.

2. Beat cocoa into melted butter.

3. Add eggs, sugar and vanilla and whiz with electric mixer for 3-4 minutes until the mixture is almost double in volume.

4. Mix in chocolate chips.

5. Add sifted flour and baking powder into mixture till well combined.

6. Pour into lined baking tin (recipe would fit into a 24x34cm rectangle dish).

7. If using raspberries, dot them evenly on top of mixture, gently pushing them just under the surface. Oh, don't feel pressured to add raspberries.. it is after all, a very pricey fruit in the tropics (^^). Believe me, this tastes as good without raspberries! 

8. Bake for 1 hour.

9. Enjoy warm or cold..

I did say this is an easy bake, right (^^). And wouldn't you agree that this IS the ULTIMATE SINFUL bake, using 7 eggs and 3 cups of sugar! (^^||) That's what we (baby and me) thought when we first made this recipe.

Anyways, this brownie has a really nice crust on top.. even at 2 cups of sugar. I remember the first time we baked this recipe with raspberries and all, but sugar reduced to 2 1/2 cups, there were complaints all round that it was too excruciatingly sweet! Imagine if I had gone all the way! Yikes! We have baked this using 2 1/4 cups, and I feel that the sweetness level is pretty ok, but pushing down to 2 cups is what I am most comfortable with (^^). I don't recommend cutting the sugar further in case you don't get the crusty top.

This really is a the ultimate moist brownie enjoyed by all! (^^)

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