Sunday, April 8, 2012

Yummy-licious blueberry cheese tart

This is a really delish tart.. well, anything with cheese just cannot go wrong, in my opinion! (^^)

And everyone loves blueberry cheese tart, seriously.. there's no one I know who is not a convert after trying this. Young or old, everyone I know loves this! 

It's so costly to buy from the shops, and there's not much blueberry filling in them too.. so every reason to make your own! And it's really quite an easy recipe to make. Well the only "difficulty" is it can get a little tiring (and time consuming) to make the tart shells.. however with a bit of practise, it gets easier (^^).. really. 

Blueberry cheese tart (recipe from Agnes Chang)

Tart shells
125g unsalted butter
50g caster sugar
1 egg
250g plain flour, sifted

250g cream cheese
30g unsalted butter
50g caster sugar
1 egg
30g plain flour
250g blueberry filling

1. Tart shells: Cream butter, sugar till light. Add egg and mix well. Fold in flour to form a dough. Rest 15 minutes. Roll out and press out pastry into tart moulds. Prick pastry with fork and bake at 180C for 15-20 minutes.

2. Filling: Beat cream cheese, butter and sugar till light. Add egg and mix till creamy. Fold in flour till well combined. Spoon some blueberry filling into baked tart shells and cover with cream cheese filling. To decorate, put a teeny weeny bit of blueberry filling on top and make a few swirls with a bamboo skewer.

3. Bake at 180C for 15 minutes. 

If you are short of time and patience, you can cheat by buying ready-made tart shells from baking supplies shops (^^||). However I feel the ones made from scratch tastes much better (^^).

Today, I used ready-made tart shells as I have some sitting in the fridge for 2 months (><).. and I'm running short of time to bake something for a potluck party (^^||). Well, the tart shells were okay, but the filling was amazing! Together, the tarts were super-licious (^^)!  

Since I had some extra filling and no more tart shells, I put them into cupcake cases and baked them at 180C for 25 minutes. Do layer some blueberry filling between the cream cheese filling. Big pig likes it like this, without the crust (^^).

I think blueberry and cream cheese is really a match made in heaven! It's the yummiest combination ever!

All my piggies and fatty hubby loves this! Friends too!

So yummy.. we love! love! love!


  1. Where do you get blueberry filling?


    1. I guess it depends on where you live.. But it's easily available in baking supplies shops, or get canned ones in the supermarket, in my part of the world ^^.
