Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Lusciously moist lemon cake with lemon drizzle

Sorry, I can't help myself.. it's been a while since my last butter cake bake.. and I'm having withdrawal symptoms ^^||..  

I was trying really hard to resist the temptation.. I even bought apples to bake apple pie! Alas, it was not to be.. I didn't realise I was out of unsalted butter! As there's only salted butter in the fridge, that can only mean butter cake (^^). And since I have some lemons sitting in the fridge for some time.. thought it best to get rid of it too. Hence, my very first luscious lemon cake (^^).

Moist lemon butter cake

250g unsalted butter (unsalted preferably.. but I only had salted ^^||) 
100g caster sugar
4 egg yolks
zest of 1 lemon (1 tbsp)
2 tbsp lemon juice
230g self raising flour
6 tbsp fresh milk
4 egg whites
70g caster sugar (90g if using salted butter)

1. Preheat oven to 180C.

2. Beat butter and 100g sugar till light and fluffy (don't overbeat!) Add egg yolks one at a time and beat till well combined. Mix in lemon zest.

3. Sift flour, and fold into butter mixture in 3 batches. Mix in lemon juice and fresh milk. Batter should be nice and smooth now.

4. Beat egg whites till frothy, and slowly add in 70g ((90g if using salted butter) sugar. Beat till soft peaks are formed.

5. Fold in egg whites gently into cake mixture in 2 batches.

6. Bake as cupcakes for 25 minutes, or in a 7 or 8" round/square tin for 40-55 minutes, or till the skewer comes out clean.

I decided to bake in 3 small loaf tins, and as usual the top kinda cracked.. more than usual today, probably messed too much with it ^^||. Anyways, don't worry.. it doesn't pop 'n crack like this if you are using bigger round or square tins. And don't let its looks or smell (not very lemony, right out of the oven.. could be my "old" lemons ^^||) put you off.. all butter cakes tastes best after it's rested or settled (and always better than best the next day ^^). I swear the taste and texture is par-excellence despite its looks!

Oh, I read a tip somewhere that poking holes on the cake and drizzling in some zesty, tangy sweetened lemon juice would make the cake to die for, so I did just that.. ok, I was kinda worried the cake was too plain.. it was not very "inspiring" right out of the oven.. yeah, yeah, I'm always freaking out like that.. it always turns out  PERFECTLY ALRIGHT!!! I really have to manage my expectations.. just as I'm managing yours, right now (^^).

Lemon drizzle

1-2 tbsp lemon juice  
Caster sugar (I used about 3 tbsp, but feel free to add more)

Just whisk sugar to lemon juice till you get the consistency and sweetness you want. Best not too sweet, that it still has a little tang to it. Brush or pour over cake.

Seriously, the lemon drizzle makes the cake OUTSTANDING! I recommend you don't over-sweeten the lemon drizzle.. leave it a little zesty, a little tangy.. so your cakes have a ZING to it.. This is so, so, so lusciously delicious!

My piggies love this! So do I! Another fabulous bake! (^^)

p.s i think the pictures turned out really well too.. even though the object/cake was plain ugly ^^|| didn't "photoshop" anything, except add vignette filter for the 1st picture. yes, i know now.. natural lighting.. which is kinda tough cos i can't always catch it in time ^^||

p.p.s did i mention how awesome the cake is? it's AWESOME! perfect scent! perfect softness! perfect moistness! perfect taste! (^^)

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