Monday, July 2, 2012

Hello july!

This is my all time favorite ~ crusty rye bread with cream cheese and dried apricots/pineapple!  

I love! love! love this! And for once, I remembered to take a picture of it before I ate it all up.. ok, so I was half way through when I remembered (^^||)! This is one h*** of a rye loaf ~ crusty, chewy and super-loaded with cream cheese and dried fruits.. an OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD combination!!! 

This is also the bread (referred to as pain de campagne with cream cheese and dried apricots in earlier posts, here and here) that I've tried to replicate at home, TWICE!.. but to no success (><). Well, I haven't quite given up yet.. lots of rye flour in the cupboard still.. so watch out for another (hopefully successful) post soon! (^^)

A happy day! And a really nice way to welcome july (^^)

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