Saturday, September 8, 2012

A simple dinner ~ minced meat noodles

Another a "bit of this 'n that" dinner! Minced meat with noodles! Best served with poached, runny egg and some blanched greens. (^^)

Minced meat marinade (serves 2 or 3)
150g minced meat (I used pork)
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp doenjang/ miso/ teocheo/ soybean paste
1 tbsp dark soy sauce (optional)
1 tbsp mirin (optional)
1 tbsp sesame oil (optional)
1 tsp minced garlic
1 yellow onion, diced
some grated ginger (optional)
some finely sliced red chili or 1 tsp chili pepper powder (optional)
salt and pepper for seasoning

Well, this marinade is an improvisation from what I remember of recipes read in the past.. So it is most likely to be recipe-cally incorrect ^^||! But it's still pretty tasty ^^!

And don't worry about having to marinade the minced meat either.. If you don't have the time, don't bother. It really doesn't matter. Just toss everything together and cook! (^^)

A simple, robust and tasty meal fatty hubby enjoyed! (^^)


  1. I lovee minced pork! & with noodles? This is one of my favorite dishes to order in Taiwanese restaurants!

  2. hi lynna.. i seriously doubt this dish tastes anywhere near the ones you had at the restaurants ^^|| it's kinda made up from memory.. but it's good enough for a homecooked meal ^^ thanks for dropping by! ^^

  3. For busy days like we are having, this kind of noodle + meat + veggie looks perfect!

  4. hi, nami ~ you can't go wrong with noodles for a quick meal ^^ but i found your onigiri even easier and simpler than cooking minced meat noodles!!! love the onigiri recipe you shared (^^)

  5. hi tina ~ appreciate your dropping by.. the noodles are an easy way out for me ^^ i'm no cook ^^||

    btw, i love your sharing of your daily life, kids, clothes, places, spaces.. your posts are always fun (and genuine) and easy to read.. i really love the colors and flavors you paint of your life in your blog ^^ thanks for sharing!
