Sunday, September 2, 2012

Welcome, sweet september ^^

I've had my eyes on these sweets for months now! Every time I visit the indian restaurant for our usual banana leaf rice, I've been wanting to try some.. but always putting it off because of the big packing/quantity (and price!) for a first try.

Well, these yummies are called palkova (pal cake), so they tell me.. a kind of milk burfi. And how would I know that they are yummy? Well, I finally took the plunge and bought some yesterday after our banana leaf rice dinner (^^).

Unlike the more common pink coconut candies where you can always buy in small quantities, these milk candies are pre-packed and sold in plastic tubs/containers.. and they are very much pricier. But I feel they are worth the price, now that I've tasted some. (^^)

They taste very smooth and milky, and almost melt in the mouth.. except for a touch of coarseness before it all melts on the tongue. I wasn't sure why, till I googled some recipes and found that there's most likely some semolina (sugee/rava) meal in the sweets. Anyway, they are perfectly sweet.. not tooth-achingly so, unlike some indian sweets (^^||). And best of all, there's no trace of spice.. just the goodness of milk ^^.

I've googled some recipes online and it doesn't look very complicated.. but I think I'll leave this to the experts and stick to store-bought ones ^^!

Anyways, if you still can't imagine how it tastes like, just think milk fudge ^^. A very very delicious milk fudge! (^^)


  1. Hiya
    Just dropping by to say hi n to tell you that Its a lovely space you have here...
    I am trying to imagine how the taste would be like...hmmm must be yummy, now that you mentioned that its not ickiky sweet :D

  2. Thank you for dropping such a sweet and encouraging comment, Lisa!
    I really like your blog too ~ recipes, pix, everything! But as usual, i'm too shy to leave a comment..
    Honestly, I was seriously thinking of dropping a one-liner "WAH!!!" on reading your iced kalamansi tea post much earlier.. but didn't because I've never said hi before and it would have sounded too impertinent! ^^||
    I'm so glad you dropped by ^^ thank you.

  3. Hi Hui, the other day I was at a dessert cafe and this song played, and I thought of you! This is the only place I hear this song... :)

    I've been "trying" to avoid making dessert at home (who do you think eat most? Me!!! >_<) but this looks very delicious...

  4. you're the sweetest, nami ^^ thanks for thinking of me ^^
