Friday, September 28, 2012

Baby french beans with roast pork belly ~ cheat's dinner ^^

I'm good at cheating.. dinners!

And you just can't go wrong stir-frying ANY greens or beans with roast pork belly ^^

Recipe? What recipe ^^||??? Just stir fry veg and meat together till cooked.. that's all! Too easy? Ok, maybe add a pip or two of garlic ~ smash them up with your knife/cleaver (oh, don't bother with mincing! otherwise it won't be a cheat's dinner ^^), and throw them in with the "fatty" roast pork belly.. Then add the greens ^^ And voila! a yummy dish is served ^^

A simple and balanced (?) meal fatty hubby enjoyed! Me too.. with rice, of course ^^


  1. Oh, this is absolutely a delicious dish to me because I used to fry this exactly too; fried french beans with roast pork! Yummy and delicious. And thank you for your lovely words of compliments in my blog. You flatter me. I believe you are a good cook as well as a good baker too.

  2. i really meant what i said, mel ^^

    thank you for the sweet words too.. i should be a better cook/baker, if only i wasn't so lazy ^^|| as it is, i will remain a permanently amateur cook (i'm really not that fond of cooking and especially the washing after!) and the occasional "inspired" wannabe baker ^^

  3. We are a big pork belly eater and this will be on our dinner table soon! :D

  4. roast pork belly is always yum-yum ^^ it's best when it's half fat and half lean ;P could this be a sign of aging? ^^

  5. I love that kind of beans so I´m sure I´d love this! :-)

  6. hi tina.. baby french beans are lovely any way you cook it.. even lightly blanched ^^

  7. I love making cheat dinners too. Simple and easy are two words I really like together! :D
