Thursday, March 14, 2013

Strawberry cupcakes with strawberry buttercream ^^

When my cupcake piggy, chubby pig, made me buy him a strawberry cupcake last december, I told him I could make the same thing for him! ^^

Brave words! Fast forward 3 months later, I now know I can't make the same tasting cupcake! Not without the coloring and flavoring! ^^||

But I'd like to think these cupcakes are by far more superior because it uses only the best natural ingredients! ;p

Strawberry cupcakes (recipe from callmecupcake)
~ makes 10-12 cupcakes
75g unsalted butter, softened (I couldn't resist ^^ used 113g!)
230g sugar (I used only 130g)
1 large egg
1/2 tsp vanilla extract (I used just 1/4 tsp)
150g flour, sifted
1 tsp baking powder, sifted
85ml fresh milk
120g fresh strawberries, chopped (I pureed them as baby and chubby doesn't like fruits in the batter!)

1. Preheat oven to 180C.

2. Beat butter with sugar till light and fluffy, about 3-4 minutes. Add egg and mix till well combined. Mix in vanilla extract (and strawberry puree, if using).

3. Add the sifted flours in three parts, alternating with the milk.. beginning and ending with the flour. Mix well after each addition. Fold in chopped strawberries.

4. Pour batter into 10 or 12-lined cupcake tins and bake for 25-30 minutes.

Strawberry swiss meringue buttercream
5 large egg whites
190g sugar
210g unsalted butter, diced and softened
100g fresh strawberries, chopped (or pureed)

1. Put egg whites and sugar in a heat-proof bowl over a pan/pot of simmering water (without bottom of bowl touching the water). Whisk egg whites and sugar till sugar melts (rub mixture between fingers, if mixture is no longer grainy (smooth) to the touch, it's ready ^^). Remove from heat.

2. Whisk egg whites mixture till white, fluffy and cool for about 10 minutes.

3. Add diced butter slowly into the mixture. If mixture curdles, just continue whisking till it all comes together again. It always does, just be patient ^^.

4. Add chopped strawberries (or puree.. and if buttercream becomes too soft, chill in the fridge till it's stiffer before frosting ^^).

this is what happens when frosting is too soft ('cos of puree) and needs more chilling before use ^^||

I've always preferred the egg separation method for my cakes. But how do you beat 1 egg white? Besides, those who have tried this recipe has vouched that this recipe produces a nicely soft, moist and fluffy cake. And it's true ^^. Though I think a cake with egg whites separately whipped would produce an even lighter and fluffier texture.. so next time. ^^

While I like cakes au naturel, no frosting.. these cupcakes really shine with strawberry frosting! ^^ Rest assured the frosting's not flinching-sweet either ~ just nice! ^^

Anyway, as lovely as these strawberry cupcakes are, I think they can still do with a bit of tinkling ^^.. in terms of texture and flavor. I noticed that the cupcakes had a rather weak strawberry-fragrance and flavor, and I'm wondering if it could be the korean strawberries (?).. While the cakes were baking in the oven, I thought they smell more like banana cake than a strawberry cake! I don't remember this problem when I baked with strawberries from the US.

Hence my quest for the perfect strawberry cupcake continues! ^^ So be patient just a little more, chubby!


  1. Hi hui
    You have been hard working in your bakes lately whereas I am drifting backwards. I can imagine the strawberry frosting to this cupcakes as it brings out the soft yummylicious to this little thing. I like eggs separation cake too especially making layer cakes. For strawberries, my first choice is NZ strawberries, they have the real sweetness as well as there are some crunch, this is what I like. Of course not very frequent we can get this so US strawberries is the one I have to go for if not Korean right? You can always freeze strawberries and have it whenever you require it.

  2. i didn't realize that baking with different types of strawberries would yield such different results, mel.. now i know ^^ while the korean strawberries are really sweet eaten fresh, guess they are not so suited for baking. i've yet to try any nz strawberries.. but i'll look out for them!

    i'm really missing reading your posts.. do ganbatte, mel! i love all your sharing (big, small, serious, silly or funny ^^).. they're always inspiring! ^^

  3. Hey Butter Lady,
    I have a story to tell is also once upon a time a skinny girl called Mel. This skinny girl Mel is very thin during her school days and even till in her twenties. As Mel trying to put on some weight, her best friend has suggested a 'remedy' of putting ON more weight (can you believe or heard about someone trying to put more weight!).
    She told me everyday drink one glass of warm milk with added one tablespoon butter in! With this remedy she said not only some weight and flesh added, I will grow more prettier and some glowing radiance to my face as well.....

    So, do you think I heed the advice to take this remedy? Hehehehe.......yes? Of course, NO! Im so scare I might turn out to be "fei po".

    The end... of this butter story.

  4. hahahahahahahahhahahahaha! oh, mel! you are so funnny!!! i have bamboo-thin friends too.. but they have since grown up to be not-so-skinny-just-perfect now! as i'm sure you have too!

    i'm so glad you didn't listen to your friend's advice or else you're sure a "fei po" now! yikes! anyways, how to swallow milk with butter in it??! eeewwww...!

    growing up, i was the total opposite! now you make me think it could probably be the full-cream milk that my mum makes me down every morning before school! how i envied my bamboo-thin friends ^^ now, i'm not as fat (i like to think that ^^), but my chubby big brother still calls me "fei mui"! in an affectionate way, of cos ^^

    maybe i should have named this blog fei mui cooks or nai yau mui cooks.. haha! btw i have another blog, pudgyfoodtales, i park some posts there when i go into an overdrive of cooking/baking and some silly and more private stuff.

  5. Maybe I shld try to taste this real "butter milk" (not that buttermilk with milk added lemon juice/vinegar).. who knows it taste real yummy and rich in buttery ok i will hop over to your other blog and shall let you know if i hv comments...

  6. oh, don't need to comment, mel.. it's just another outlet of fun for me ^^

  7. These look great! Here`s a recipe you can try for strawberry cupcakes, since you`re still looking:

    They are from this famous American cupcakery! I`ve tried them and they are wonderful. :D

  8. thanks for the tip! i just checked them out and they sound wonderful.. i'll try them out if i have any strawberries left over from a planned cheesecake bake this week ^^ otherwise soonest possible ^^ thanks again!
