Friday, March 15, 2013

Yummy-licious steamed butter fish and sauteed garlic rice ^^

Life is great..

When you have friends who make your life better (and more interesting! ^^) every day. And I'm glad to count on wonderful friends like mel@melspantrykitchen and lisa@frommylemonykitchen who shared these super-duper easy recipes with me! ^^

Mel's mum's steamed butter fish (recipe from mel@melspantrykitchen)
~ serves 2
1 slice of snapper (use 2 if cuts are small)
2-3 tbsp butter, diced or break into smaller pieces
some salt and pepper, to season

1. Clean and pat-dry fish. Season with some salt and pepper.

2. Place fish on a plate/dish and top with butter.

3. Steam for 10 minutes and serve immediately. Sprinkle some chili powder over if you like a bit of kick ^^

* cheat's way: layer bottom of dish with cabbage or place brocolli florets around the fish, and steam together! great way to be lazy and to mop up the sauces ^^

Sauteed garlic in olive oil rice (recipe from lisa@frommylemonykitchen)
~ serves 2
1 cup basmati rice, washed and drained
2 cups water
2 cloves of garlic, minced or grated
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1. Heat evoo in a pan on low heat. Saute minced/grated garlic till fragrant.

2. Place rice, water, browned garlic+oil into rice cooker. Soak for a bit if you have the time.

3. Fluff up rice before serving.

Mel, the steamed fish in butter was as yums! and as easy as you said it would be.. I drank up the sauce too! ^^

Lisa, I can't believe how well the sauteed garlic in olive oil worked in covering the "taste" of basmati rice! Fatty hubby couldn't even tell! I'm off to buy more basmati rice! ^^

I really love both these super duper easy, yummy recipes! Thanks, mel! Thanks, lisa!

Look ma, I can cook! ^^


  1. they are! ^^ healthy, easy and yummy! a perfect dinner!

  2. Amigossssshhhhhhh!!!! You made my favourite steamed butter fish. I got to tell my mum about this....hehehe..... and you are so clever too to sprinkle some chilli powder. Maybe we can sprinkle some curry powder and steam at the same time too, what do you think of this idea? Ok, ok....i will try to make this one of the day and post it to my blog. If my sisters see this, they will be jumping up and down too. They loves this steamed butter fish too. Oh, just wanna ask, do you eat preserved black olive?

    I chat to go out now.

  3. i think adding curry powder could work in this dish too ^^ i wasn't sure how much butter to put actually.. i already covered the fish all over with butter, but surprisingly the sauce did not turn out oily at all.. so not jelak at all! very healthy ^^

    i have no idea what is preserved black olive.. tried googling, but still unsure.. you have a recipe to share ^^? why don't you post it on your blog? must share how it looks like and where to buy, ok! i look forward to it! do it fast, going grocery shopping tomorrow! ^^

  4. Oh....i just got a picture of the is pickled and not preserved olive as i mentioned earlier, go to this site wendy of table for 2.... there is a post showing the pickled olive

    I used this pickled olive to fried rice....this is the olive fried rice that i hv eated in one of the spore restaurant. This brand is better than others like singlong which is very salty. This brand available in Aeon Jusco.

  5. hi mel, thanks for the link. i have not had preserved olives before.. not sure if i'll like it or not.. but i'm game to try ^^ i can see it's the yummy house brand ~ so i'll look out for it.. your olive fried rice looks good, btw ^^!

    oh, you may notice i did not publish your earlier comment with the hp no. to safeguard your privacy ^^ i've noted it down, of course ^^ thanks, mel!

  6. Am so glad that you and hubby loved the rice... :D
    Eyeing your butter fish now...yummmm :D

  7. all thanks to you, lisa! love the recipe ^^ hope you get to try mel's recipe too.

  8. So easy and delicious! Steaming is always a nice choice. I can imagine the aroma of butter and fish. YUM!
